mercredi 11 janvier 2017

Raptors from China

1.20 Y  : Eastern Imperial Eagle    Aquila heliaca
1.50 Y : Common Kestrel    Falco tinnunculus
1.50 Y : Northern Goshawk    Accipiter gentilis
1.20 Y : Hen Harrier    Circus cyaneus

Though raptors, also known as birds of prey, occupy the top of the food chain, the wild carnivorous birds are now all under the key protection of the state in China. This stamp set shows four diurnal raptors in Falconiformes, namely Aquila heliaca, Circus cyaneus, Accipiter gentilis, and Falco tinnunculus.
Aquila heliaca is about 75cm long and inhabits mountain forests and places on the edges of forests. It usually stays on trees and preys when opportunities emerge. Circus cyaneus is about 50cm long, and lives on open plains, grasslands and farmlands. The greatest natural enemy of other birds and hares in forests, Accipiter gentilis is about 56cm long and can fly rapidly and flexibly in forests to get preys. Falco tinnunculus is only 33cm long. These small raptors can often be seen in open areas. They are famous for their graceful hovering in the air.
Source: China Post